
நன்னீரை வாழி அனிச்சமே நின்னினும் 
மென்னீரள் யாம்வீழ் பவள்.

O flower of the sensitive plant! than thee
More tender's the maiden beloved by me.

மலர்காணின் மையாத்தி நெஞ்சே இவள்கண் 
பலர்காணும் பூவொக்கும் என்று.

You deemed, as you saw the flowers, her eyes were as flowers, my soul,
That many may see; it was surely some folly that over you stole!.

முறிமேனி முத்தம் முறுவல் வெறிநாற்றம் 
வேலுண்கண் வேய்த்தோ ளவட்கு.

As tender shoot her frame; teeth, pearls; around her odours blend;
Darts are the eyes of her whose shoulders like the bambu bend.

காணின் குவளை கவிழ்ந்து நிலன்நோக்கும் 
மாணிழை கண்ணொவ்வேம் என்று.

The lotus, seeing her, with head demiss, the ground would eye,
And say, 'With eyes of her, rich gems who wears, we cannot vie'.

அனிச்சப்பூக் கால்களையாள் பெய்தாள் நுகப்பிற்கு 
நல்ல படாஅ பறை.

The flowers of the sensitive plant as a girdle around her she placed;
The stems she forgot to nip off; they 'll weigh down the delicate waist.

மதியும் மடந்தை முகனும் அறியா 
பதியின் கலங்கிய மீன்.

The stars perplexed are rushing wildly from their spheres;
For like another moon this maiden's face appears.

அறுவாய் நிறைந்த அவிர்மதிக்குப் போல 
மறுவுண்டோ மாதர் முகத்து.

In moon, that waxing waning shines, as sports appear,
Are any spots discerned in face of maiden here?.

மாதர் முகம்போல் ஒளிவிட வல்லையேல் 
காதலை வாழி மதி.

Farewell, O moon! If that thine orb could shine
Bright as her face, thou shouldst be love of mine.

மலரன்ன கண்ணாள் முகமொத்தி யாயின் 
பலர்காணத் தோன்றல் மதி.

If as her face, whose eyes are flowers, thou wouldst have charms for me,
Shine for my eyes alone, O moon, shine not for all to see!.

அனிச்சமும் அன்னத்தின் தூவியும் மாதர் 
அடிக்கு நெருஞ்சிப் பழம்.

The flower of the sensitive plant, and the down on the swan's white breast,
As the thorn are harsh, by the delicate feet of this maiden pressed.